The Council of the Grant Fund for Płock Foundation appointed a new President of the Board.
The decision was made after a thorough analysis of recruitment applications and interviews with satisfying candidates requirements and expectations of statutory authorities.

By decision of the members of the Foundation Council, Justyna Chrobot was appointed the Chairwoman of the Board, who replaced Marzena Kapuścińska in this position, performing her function since July 2015. So far, The Chairwoman of the Board parted with the Foundation because of the expiration of the term and taking up new challenges unions.
The newly appointed the Chairwoman of the Board of the Board has worked at the Grant Foundation since April 2019. on Coordinator position. She answered, among others for coordination of image and promotional activities events, planning and organization of information, promotion and education campaigns, monitoring and support for communication of the Foundation’s brands in social events, as well as for the implementation of tasks administrative and process related to project management, verification and accounting invoices.

Two members of the Management Board were appointed for a new term of three years previous positions. Monika Maron is representing the City of Płock.  Arkadiusz Ciesielski is the representative on behalf of PKN ORLEN.

Composition of the Board of the “Grant Fund for Płock” Foundation from April 1, 2020. is taking shape as follows;

Chairwoman of the Board – Justyna Chrobot

Member of the Board – Monika Maron

Member of the Board – Arkadiusz Ciesielski

Pursuant to the Foundation’s statute, the Management Board’s term of office is combined and lasts three years, with each member of the Board may serve for more than one term of office. The Management Board, including the President, is appointed and dismissed Foundation Council. The first Board of Directors was appointed in 2005 by the Founders and founders, whom they founded are PKN ORLEN S.A., the City of Płock and Basell ORLEN Polyolefins .

The organs of the Foundation are: the Council Founders, Foundation Council, Management Board and Program Council.

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