Under the Płock project, non-governmental organizations can apply for co-financing projects aimed at organizing holiday leisure for children and young people not only in Płock, but also in the Płock, Gostyniński and Sierpc poviats. Applications will be accepted on May 21, and the winners will be announced on June 15, 2018.
As every year, in the spring the Foundation „Grant Fund for Płock” announces the competition „Holidays in Plock for fun”. This is a traditional opportunity in our city for non-governmental organizations planning to organize for the youngest residents of Płock (aged 5-16) various forms of active, attractive and safe spending of holidays. Projects for which the Grant Fund planned this year PLN 80,000 should be directed to the widest possible group of beneficiaries. Importantly, not only members or beneficiaries of the organization applying for co-financing, and the value of the project depends on its scale and planned activities.
The Foundation is waiting for projects with a broad social impact, with visible educational values that give participants the opportunity to discover new values, stimulate development, expand their interests, increase sensitivity to the needs of others, deepen knowledge and practical skills, as well as develop talents and allow new contacts and gain new experiences. When assessing applications, it will be taken into a positive impact on equal opportunities, innovative and non-standard forms of classes in the form of daily meetings.
The competition „Holidays in Płock for fun” for the first time „Grant Fund for Płock” was begun in 2012. It was the answer to the problem of a small amount of stationary, organized forms of recreation for children who do not leave the holiday outside Płock. The holiday grant competition annually meets with great interest not only non-governmental organizations applying for co-financing, but also active residents of Płock who are interested in participating in their projects. In the previous five editions of the competition, 35 projects have been co-financed for a total amount of almost 420,000. zł. Nearly 10,000 young inhabitants of Płock inhabitants took part in these projects.
We would like to remind you that the Foundation’s proposals closing date is until May 21, at 18.00.